db LLC


Richard G. Boyce




Mr. Richard G. Boyce is a senior partner in dB, LLC, a petroleum advisory consultancy based in Dallas, Texas.


During a thirty-three year career in worldwide oil and gas exploration and development, Dick has developed considerable expertise in all aspects required to develop and promote commercial oil and gas projects on a worldwide basis.  Dick has a unique ability to combine a strong geotechnical foundation with commercial business analysis while relating to his audience using high level communication skills.


As a geoscientist and engineer, Mr. Boyce conducts integrated studies including, seismic acquisition, seismic data processing, integrated geological and geophysical workstation interpretation skills, resource value assessment, reservoir engineering, drilling and well site evaluations as well as international and domestic project management.


Mr. Boyce’s international experience includes expertise in the deep water margins of West Africa (Nigeria-Sao Tome/Principe JDZ, Sierra Leone and Togo,) east coast of India (Krishna Godavari Basin), the Black Sea (northern coast of Turkey) as well as extensive onshore work in the Middle East (Yemen, UAE and Oman), East Africa (Southern Red Sea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan and Kenya), North Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Egypt, and Niger), Australia (Cooper Basin) and Kazakhstan (Pre Caspian and Turgay Basins). Mr. Boyce has also worked extensively in South America (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala and Belize).

Domestic U.S. experience includes conventional 2D and 3D seismic mapping, geological and engineering aspects of prospect development on the shelf and deep water areas of the Gulf of Mexico, West Texas (Delaware, Midland and Val Verde Basins, Eastern Shelf and North Basin Platform), South Louisiana Transition Zone, Rocky Mountains (Williston, Paradox, San Juan and Paradox Basins), Canada (Western Newfoundland and Western Canadian Basins) and various unconventional shale gas and tight oil plays in Texas (Barnett Shale, Horizontal Wolfcamp, Bone Spring, Wolf-Bone, Wolf-Berry, Avalon Shale, Eagleford Shale, Eagle-Bine, Horizontal Woodbine, Deep Bossier, Haynesville Shale, Cotton Valley), Oklahoma (Horizontal Mississippian Lime and Hunton), Kansas (Horizontal Mississippian Lime, Hunton, Viola and Arbuckle, Coal Bed Methane) and New Mexico (Avalon Shale, Bone Spring, Abo, Horizontal Mancos).


Mr. Boyce began his career as a geophysicist for The Superior Oil Company with early training at their Geoscience Laboratory in Houston, Texas. In l980, Mr. Boyce transferred to Midland, Texas to continue working for Superior Oil Company until 1983.  During his ten year career in the Permian Basin, Mr. Boyce also worked for both Conquest Exploration Inc. and Hunt Oil Company. In 1991, Mr. Boyce transferred to Dallas, Texas where he served as the Chief Geophysicist for Hunt Oil Company and in 1992 was appointed the Exploration Manager for the Yemen Hunt Oil Company and the Exploration Vice President of the Hunt Oil subsidiaries, Ethiopia Hunt Oil and Jannah Hunt Oil. Leaving Hunt in l996, Mr. Boyce established a consulting practice in Dallas, Texas, USA operating under the name dB, LLC.


Mr. Boyce graduated from the Colorado School of Mines in l978 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geophysical Engineering.  He is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the Society of Independent Petroleum Earth Scientists (SIPES #3245) and the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) and is a registered Professional Geoscientist with the State of Texas, License #2179.